Building unbreakable walls with our high-compressive cement.

Relgrow is one of the biggest suppliers of cement in India. Delivering the top-notch quality cement on time, always.

Cement Suppliers in India

Why Should You Choose Cement?

Greenest Cement

A carbon-negative manufacturing process creates Green Cement, an environmentally friendly cement. The industry's primary waste products comprise most of the raw materials used to make green cement.

Best-in-class Durability

Concrete becomes more durable with increased hydration when mixed with cement. The aggregates are another significant mix of design elements that aid in durability.

Gives Denser and Impervious Concrete

The Relgrow cement requires less water to produce concrete with the same workability by enhancing impermeability, this aids in strengthening concrete.

Cement Dealers

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Types of Cements in Construction

Cement Suppliers in India

PSC Cement

PSC Cement comprises 25–70% granulated slag, 3% gypsum, and the remaining portion is clinker. Granulated slag is a non-metallic product with silicates and alumino-silicates of lime and glass content of more than 90%.

Cement Suppliers in India

CC Cement

When hydrated, CC cement is a flexible fabric impregnated with fine particles of portland cement. It hardens to create a layer of concrete that is thin, strong, and fire and water-resistant.

Cement Suppliers in India

OPC Cement

OPC Cement, also known as Ordinary Portland Cement, is made by finely powdering a mixture of limestone and other raw materials like gypsum, argillaceous rock, and calcareous rock. This kind of cement is preferred where construction is carried out quickly.

Cement Suppliers in India

PPC Cement

Cement made from a combination of pozzolanic materials is called Portland Pozzolana Cement. Gypsum, pozzolanic materials, and OPC clinker are all included in this cement in varying amounts. Some examples of pozzolanic materials are fly ash, volcanic ash, calcined clay, and silica fumes.

Cement Suppliers in India

Ready Mix Concrete

Concrete delivered from a central plant in batches rather than mixed on the job site is referred to as ready mix concrete. This type of cement is used in high-speed construction.


PPC has greater strength than OPC Cement. It is less suited for mass casting because the hydration reaction produces more heat than PPC. It produces less heat than OPC because its hydration process is slow. Less resilient in harsh weather.

OPC Cement is the best cement for plastering the interior and exterior walls of low-rise residential buildings and the best for plastering high-rise structures.

Curing gives concrete the right amount of moisture, heat, and time to develop the desired properties for its intended use. The time period of curing concrete is 28 days.